
As a leading technology and solutions development organization, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) brings together the top global ICT companies to advance the industry’s business priorities.

About Us

ATIS standards and solutions advance ICT industry transformation. The 2024 ATIS Overview tells of our most recent initiatives and the results they deliver, including:

  • Evolving standards policy to drive domestic competitiveness.
  • Taking a fast-forward approach to the 6G future through our Next G Alliance. (With 3GPP soon to be addressing 6G, the NGA is preparing to have its contributions accepted at the global level.)
  • Taking a look at generative AI, examining how it opens a new era of efficiency across sectors with the potential to reinvent our industry.
  • Launching an initiative to define a common set of baseline capabilities to simplify the deployment of Open RAN technology — the “Minimum Profile.”

Read the Overview to learn how ATIS’ robust solutions help our industry thrive.