
PTSC: Packet Technologies and Systems Committee

PTSC develops standards related to services, architectures, signaling, network interfaces, next generation carrier interconnect, cybersecurity, lawful intercept, and government emergency telecommunications service within next generation networks. As networks transition to all-IP, PTSC will evaluate the impact of this transition and develop solutions and recommendations where necessary to facilitate and reflect this evolution.


  • PTSC is examining the standards/solutions implications for applying nationwide number portability in existing networks.
  • PTSC is working with the SIP Forum as part of the ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force to develop standards to address robocalling as well as anti-spoofing caller validation mitigation techniques.
  • PTSC develops and maintains standards that are required in support of National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP). This work is supported by various government agencies.
  • PTSC develops standards that are national variances of global specifications (e.g., IETF, ITU, and 3GPP). An example of this is ATIS-1000679, Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and ISDN User Part.
  • PTSC’s Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force (NIPCA TF) is working to assess the viability of NIPCA’s call authentications standards for implementation in TDM networks.


Applying Common IMS to NG9-1-1 Networks (IMS911)

The ESIF Next Generation Emergency Services (NGES) subcommittee is leading a joint work effort that addresses the application of common IMS (Stage 1, 2, and 3) for the processing, transport, and/or delivery of Emergency Service calls within the NG9-1-1 network to the appropriate PSAP. This is a joint effort with the Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) and the Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee Systems and Network Subcommittee (WTSC SN).




Emergency Services & NS/EP NGN-PS Coexistence on LTE RANs (WTSC NSEP)

WTSC NSEP is comprised of members of WTSC RAN, ESIF NGES, and PTSC. The group will develop a joint study on Emergency Services and National Security/Emergency Preparedness Next Generation Network Priority Services (NS/EP NGN-PS) coexistence on LTE Radio Access Networks (RANs). This study will focus on how Emergency Services could potentially starve NS/EP NGN-PS communications during network degradation conditions (e.g., congestion and overload conditions during disaster events) and provide guidance to help mitigate the problem.



WTSC RAN Chair and Vice-Chair

IMS Emergency Services Network (IMSESINET)

Joint project led by the WTSC Systems and Networks (SN) subcommittee and coordinated with ESIF’s Next Generation Emergency Services (NGES) subcommittee and the Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) for an IMS-based Emergency Services Network. This work is currently focused on creating ATIS standards to eliminate VoLTE Unnecessary Retries to 911 and enhace location-based routing of emergency calls.


WTSC SN Chair and Vice Chair

Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES)

Mission: The LAES Subcommittee develops and recommends standards, technical requirements and technical reports related to Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) of packet-mode technologies in a wireline environment.

Scope: The LAES Subcommittee co-ordinates and develops standards, technical requirements, technical reports and other documents relevant to LAES of packet-mode technology in telecommunications networks in the U.S., taking advantage of standards development progress in other standards organizations, e.g. IETF, “T1P1” and ETSI. In as much as the development of standards may be evolved or influenced by several ATIS technical committees/forums, PTSC and the PTSC LAES Subcommittee will maintain liaisons with appropriate ATIS Committees/Forums, as well as with standards-setting bodies, external to ATIS and will adopt other SDO standards as appropriate.

Glen Myers, CounterLink

Vice Chair
Nagaraja Rao, Nokia

Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force

The Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force within ATIS’ Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) is focused on call authentication for TDM-based Originating Service Providers (OSP) and Terminating Service Providers (TSP) and will leverage extensive ATIS expertise in call authentication and in TDM standards. The task force will complement the work already being addressed in the joint ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force.

Phil Linse, CenturyLink