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Summer 2024 ATIS Update

    • Solutions to protect the trusted wireless equipment supply chain
    • Fundamental 6G basic radio technologies – key building blocks enabling 6G-powered innovation
    • Combatting SIM swap fraud
    • Revolutionizing cybersecurity preparedness with crypto agility KPI metrics for the quantum era
    • And more!

Fall 2023 ATIS Update

    • Forging strategic global alliances to ensure North American leadership in the 6G and beyond future
    • Proactively addressing 6G spectrum issues
    • Maximizing 6G’s social and economic impact
    • Exploring the impact of generative AI in the ICT industry
    • Helping the industry align with the National Cybersecurity Strategy

Summer 2023 ATIS Update

    • Expanding 6G innovation to vertical markets
    • Establishing the essential KPIs to measure the sustainability metrics for future 6G networks.
    • Creating an innovative new industry resource to help 5G applications deliver the highest quality service and user experience
    • Delivering insight into the threat quantum computing poses to communications services providers and how they can prepare for the quantum future
    • Revolutionizing privacy and consumer data protection through Self-Sovereign Identity


Fall 2022 ATIS Update

    • Advancing North American 6G leadership with the establishment of the NGA Research Council and the announcement of its research priorities.
    • Influencing political debates over national competitiveness and leadership in advanced technologies through industry-led standards.
    • Building global 6G collaborations through strategic agreements with Europe’s 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association, Korea’s 5G Forum, and Japan’s Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium.
    • Expanding the success of STIR/SHAKEN globally with the first ever cross-border agreement and the exploration of launching a “non-jurisdictional GA/PA”.


Summer 2022 ATIS Update

    • Taking a Futuristic Look at 6G Applications
    • Advancing 6G Technologies
    • Creating the Foundation for Assured 5G Networks
    • New ATIS white papers:
      • Quantum-Safe Communications
      • Deployment and Operational Requirements of 5G Non-Public Networks


Fall 2021 ATIS Update

    • Fast Forward to 6G
    • Building Sustainability into Future Generations of Wireless By Design
    • Why Now is the Time for Industry to Start Assessing the Future of Voice Services
    • Applying Distributed Ledger Technology for Robocalling Mitigation
    • New ATIS white papers:
      • Multi-Network Enterprise Solutions
      • ATIS 5G Supply Chain Standard: Creating the Foundation for Assured 5G Networks


Summer 2021 ATIS Update

    • ATIS’ Next G Alliance Launches Technical Work Program Setting 6G Roadmap into Action; VT-ARC Named Technical Program Office
    • Advancing Operators’ Priorities in a Quantum Computing World
    • STI-GA Enables Industry to Meet FCC Mandate for SHAKEN Adoption
    • New ATIS white papers:
      • Smart City Data Governance Policies: Creating a Foundation for Data Sharing with City Partners
      • 5G Vertical Platform Assessment Report
      • Collaborative DevSecOps in a Service Provider Environment


Fall 2020

    • ATIS launches the Next G Alliance, a bold, new industry-driven initiative to establish North American global leadership in 6G and beyond.
    • The Multi-Network Enterprise Solutions initiative launches to streamline and integrate complex network environments.
    • The Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA) announces its Trusting Caller ID Again Webinar Series
    • FCC Chairman Ajit Pai commends ATIS’ work on the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system and requests the development of best practices to further support the system. 


Spring 2020

Learn about our work to:


    • Delivering a Call to Action to position the U.S. as the global 6G leader for the next decade and beyond.


    • Extending development of 5G best practices and guidelines to create supply chain standards that can be operationalized in the public and private sectors.


      • Working through the Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority to implement STIR/SHAKEN within U.S. borders and beyond.
      • Launching a Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force to evaluate how our robocalling mitigation success can be applied to TDM traffic.


Fall 2019

Learn how ATIS is:

  • Driving creation of normative standards for non-terrestrial networks, including satellite segments, a part of 5G connectivity infrastructure.
  • Extending the development of 5G best practices and guidelines to create supply chain standards that can be operationalized in the public and private sectors.
  • Developing an overview of neutral host solutions highlighting their potential to make 5G deployments more ubiquitous and cost effective, boost rural connectivity and more.
