
Corporate Policies

Corporate Policies

Privacy Policy

ATIS is committed to protecting privacy and security of the personal information of our web site visitors. This Privacy Policy describes the personal information we may collect and how it may be used.

Whistleblower Policy

This policy encourages members and staff to come forward if they have credible information on illegal practices or serious violations of adopted policies of the organization and specifies that ATIS will protect these persons from retaliation. The policy is available here.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Antitrust Policies

The use of patented inventions as well as procedure to avoid concerns and risks of shall be governed by the “Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees.” The full explanation of the IPR and Antitrust policy is available here.

U.S. Export Administration Regulation (EAR) Policy

ATIS is committed to conducting its activities in full compliance with, and in a manner that avoids facilitating any violation of, U.S. export control regulations such as the EAR. The policy is available here.

Brand Usage Policy

ATIS is recognized as a global leader in technical planning and in the development of standards that drive the business of communications. A key component of the ATIS brand identity is the ATIS name, its trademarks and its logos. This Brand Usage Policy will show you the proper use of ATIS trademarks and logos. ATIS requires those referencing ATIS name, trademarks and logos to comply with these guidelines.

Conflict of Interest Policy

This Conflict of Interest Policy of ATIS, defines conflicts of interest, identifies classes of individuals within the organization covered by this policy, requires the disclosure of conflicts of interest and information that may help identify conflicts of interest, and specifies procedures to be followed in managing conflicts of interest. The policy is available here.

Copyright Requests

This form may be used to request permission from ATIS to republish/use text from ATIS deliverables. The form is available here.