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Committee Reports
Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.
INC: Industry Numbering Committee
- Issue: 0980
- Title: Update the ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines for the combined NANP Administration System (NAS)
- Statement: A few changes need to be made to ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines to align with changes in the combined NANP Administration System (NAS). These changes include:
• Changing references of PA to NANPA (as appropriate)
• NXX to Central Office (CO) Code (NXX) or CO Code as appropriate
• Block to Thousands-Block
• Capitalized glossary terms to align with other guidelines
• Spelled out first instance of acronyms to align with other guidelines
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines with the changes reflected in INC-2024-00061R003. This Issue will remain in Initial Pending until the implementation of the combined NAS.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0981
- Title: Update the ATIS-0300055, NPA Allocation Plan and Assignment Guidelines for the combined NANP Administration System (NAS)
- Statement: A few changes need to be made to ATIS-0300055, NPA Allocation Plan and Assignment Guidelines to align with changes in the combined NANP Administration System (NAS). These changes include:
• Changing references of PA to NANPA (as appropriate)
• NXX to Central Office (CO) Code (NXX) or CO Code as appropriate
• Capitalized glossary terms to align with other guidelines
• Spelled out first instance of acronyms to align with other guidelines
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300052, ATIS-0300055, NPA Allocation Plan and Assignment Guidelines with the changes reflected in INC-2024-00063R002. This Issue will remain in Initial Pending until the implementation of the combined NAS.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0961
- Title: Update ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) To Require NANPA/PA To Obtain NPAC Reports Each Business Day
- Statement: Today NANPA submits a request for an ad hoc report from the NPAC to determine contamination and the presence of LRNs when 1) thousands-blocks or CO codes are returned or abandoned, or 2) thousands-blocks available in the pool are identified as being over-contaminated (greater than 10%). The NANPA has been authorized to obtain these ad hoc NPAC reports once a week under permission previously granted by the North American Portability Management LLC (NAPM LLC).
The NPAC ad hoc reports contains the following data: 1) the total quantity of ported numbers within the thousands-block or CO code, 2) the total quantity of ported numbers within the thousands-block or CO code subtotaled by Service Provider ID (SPID), and 3) the quantity of Location Routing Numbers (LRNs) contained within the thousands-block or CO code.
The volume of situations where NANPA needs to request these ad hoc reports appears to be growing. If NANPA were permitted to request these ad hoc reports each business day (as needed), rather than just once a week, it would simplify NANPA’s processes, allow for more timely processing of thousands-block and CO code returns, and potentially add eligible thousands-blocks to the pool more quickly.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) To Require NANPA/PA To Obtain NPAC Reports within five calendar days, as shown in INC-2024-00088R001. The NANPA shall send the request to the NPAC on Tuesdays and Thursdays as jointly agreed to by ATIS INC, NPIF (Number Portability Industry Forum), and the NAPM LLC. The resolution of this Issue will generate a NANPA Change Order. This Issue will remain in Initial Pending status until the approval and implementation of the Change Order.
- Status: Initial Pending
- Issue: 0970
- Title: Updates to ATIS-0300052, Non-Geographic 5XX-NXX Code Assignment Guidelines for the combined NANP Administration System (NAS)
- Statement: NANPA has identified the following changes to ATIS-0300052, Non-Geographic 5XX-NXX Code Assignment Guidelines to align with the combined NANP Administration System (NAS):
• Update processing times to 7 calendar days
• Update form references to new form names
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300052, Non-Geographic 5XX-NXX Code Assignment Guidelines with the changes reflected in INC-2024-00016R003. This Issue will remain in Initial Pending until the implementation of the combined NAS. NANPA notified INC that the 10.4.6 Alternate Data Capabilities section of the TRD corresponds with the accepted changes.
- Status: Initial Pending
- Issue: 0977
- Title: Update the ATIS-0300065, Location Routing Number (LRN) Assignment Practices for the combined NANP Administration System (NAS)
- Statement: A few changes need to be made to ATIS-0300065, Location Routing Number (LRN) Assignment Practices to align with changes in the combined NANP Administration System (NAS). These changes include:
• Changing references of PA to NANPA (as appropriate)
• NXX to Central Office (CO) Code (NXX) or CO Code as appropriate
• Block to Thousands-Block
• Capitalized common glossary terms to align with other guidelines (note there is no glossary but thought INC might want to add one)
• Spelled out first instance of acronyms in each section/form to align with other guidelines
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300065, Location Routing Number (LRN) Assignment Practices with the changes reflected in INC-2024-00050R001. This Issue will be in Initial Pending until the implementation of the combined NAS. A separate Issue will be developed for INC to review substantive changes throughout this document.
- Status: Initial Pending
- Issue: 0979
- Title: Update the ATIS-0300068, North American Numbering Plan Numbering Utilization/Forecast Guidelines for the combined NANP Administration System (NAS)
- Statement: A few changes need to be made to ATIS-0300068, North American Numbering Plan Numbering Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Guidelines to align with changes in the combined NANP Administration System (NAS). These changes include:
• Changing references of PA to NANPA or Thousands-Block Pooling (as appropriate)
• NXX to Central Office (CO) Code (NXX) or CO Code (NXX) as appropriate
• Capitalized glossary terms to align with other guidelines
• Spelled out first instance of acronyms
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300068, North American Numbering Plan Numbering Utilization/Forecast Guidelines with the changes reflected in INC-2024-00059R001. This Issue will be in Initial Pending until the implementation of the combined NAS. NANPA notified INC that the 10.4.6 Alternate Data Capabilities Section of the TRD corresponds with the accepted changes.
- Status: Initial Pending
- Issue: 0983
- Title: Update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office (CO) Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) To Make Disconnected Thousands-Blocks Available for Reassignment After 30 Calendar Days
- Statement: Today when a service provider returns/donates a thousands-block to the pool and NANPA approves it, NANPA adds the thousands-block to the pool inventory immediately, but with a future “Block Available Date” that must be at least 45 calendar days after the thousands-block’s disconnect effective date entered on the Part 3 approval. This 45-day timeframe is documented in section of the Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines.
The 45-day timeframe exists to give the code holder time to make translations updates, if needed, to provide vacant number treatment for the numbers within that thousands-block while the block is in the pool. It is unclear whether code holders still make such translations updates, but all monthly LERGTM Routing Guide recipients can subscribe to the LERGTM One-Day Changes Process at no additional charge.
Reducing the 45 calendar days timeframe down to 30 calendar days will make thousands-blocks available for reuse more quickly.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) To Require NANPA/PA to make disconnected thousands-blocks available for reassignment 30 calendar days after the Thousands-block disconnect effective date, as shown in INC-2024-00081R001. This Issue will be in Initial Pending status until the implementation of the combined NAS.
- Status: Initial Pending
- Issue: 0975
- Title: Update ATIS-0300119, Thousands Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) and the Appendix B to clarify that each NPA and rate center must be listed as a separate line item in the iVoIP 30-day notice
- Statement: NANPA has received an increased number of iVoIP applications where the Appendix B, Template for 30-day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers or other 30-day notification where the NPA rate center information is provided in paragraph form rather than as separate lines. When the data is in paragraph form it is difficult for the Administrator to locate the rate center and rate center specific data when processing applications.
NANPA suggests updating the language in ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) and the TBCOCAG Appendix B, Template for 30-day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers to indicate that each NPA Rate Center and associated data must be provided as a separate line item in the 30-day notification.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) and the Appendix B to clarify that each NPA and rate center must be listed as a separate line item in the iVoIP 30-day notice as reflected in INC-2024-00036R000 and INC-2024-00037R001.
- Status: Final Closure
- Issue: 0976
- Title: Update ATIS-0300050, Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Assignment Guidelines to direct NANPA to send an NNS Notification when a CIC is returned
- Statement: During discussion of Issue 947, Review ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines for potential updates and clarifications, INC discussed having NANPA send a NANP Notification System (NNS) when a CIC is returned to alert Access Providers that the CIC should be removed from their systems, however, no language was added to the guidelines.
If INC still believes the NNS is beneficial for Access Providers, NANPA suggests updating the language in Section 3.3. of ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines to direct NANPA to send an NNS when CICs are returned. NANPA suggests that INC identify how often these NNS Notifications should be sent (i.e., at the time of individual disconnects, monthly, quarterly, etc.).
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300050, Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Assignment Guidelines to direct NANPA to send an NNS Notification when a CIC is returned as reflected in INC-2024-00039R001.
- Status: Final Closure
For more information, visit the INC home page or contact .
NGIIF: Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability Forum
- Issue: 0072
- Title: Additions to ATIS-0300116 of Other Fraud Prevention Obligations
- Statement: There is a need to update ATIS-0300116, Interoperability Standards between Next Generation Networks (NGN) for Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using ToKENs (SHAKEN). These updates will consist of RMD additions, STI-GA policy links, Certificate Authority links, and references to the IP Interconnection CATA Working Group document.
- Resolution: ATIS-0300116, Interoperability Standards between Next Generation Networks (NGN) for Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using ToKENs (SHAKEN) was updated with RMD additions and STI-GA policy links.
- Status: Final Closure
For more information, visit the NGIIF home page or contact Mignot Asefa.
OBF: Ordering and Billing Forum
- Issue: 3665
- Title: Removal of SSN/TaxID field
- Statement: History: In May, 2005, the LNPA WG agreed the SSN/TaxID field would not be required, and the NANC endorsed the position. "It is the position of the LNPA WG that the consumer’s Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number shall not be required on an LSR/WPR to port that consumer’s telephone number if the consumer’s Account Number associated with the Old Local Service Provider is provided on the LSR/WPR for identification." At its May 2005 meeting, the North American Numbering Council (NANC) endorsed the LNPA-WG’s position as stated above, and agreed to send a letter to the FCC with its endorsement of the LNPA-WG position. Today: The world has certainly changed since 2005, and technology has flourished. In light of the current state-of-affairs with fraud and data breaches, T-Mobile appreciates the ATIS OBF committee’s consideration of removing the SSN/TaxID field all-together. Although many service providers ceased using this field in or around 2005, we feel having the field present could lead to unwanted situations for any service providers that may not fully understand that they do not ‘have’ to populate it. This subject came up on a conference call internally, some questioning ‘why’ we should even allow someone to populate a SSN – it seemed to folks on our call that removing the field all together was an organic way to safe and effectively avoid confusion.
- Resolution: The notes column in the data dictionary for the SSN TAX ID field shall be updated to reflect that this field should be left blank and not used for validation purposes due to personal identification concerns.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 3667
- Title: Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG) – Expand the Error Message field (Practice 10) an additional 60 characters
- Statement: There is a business need to expand the ERROR MESSAGE field from the current 120 alphanumeric characters to 180 alphanumeric characters to allow for additional text/information being sent to the customer to better explain the reason for the ERROR MESSAGE.
- Resolution: Expanded the ERROR MESSAGE field to 180 alphanumeric characters on Practice 10 (ERROR MESSAGE).
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the OBF home page or contact Drew Greco.
STEP: Sustainability in Telecom: Energy and Protection Committee
- Issue: 0202
- Title: Fault Managed Power Distribution Technologies – Human Contact Fault Analysis
- Statement: Revisions are needed to this standard for conversion to ATIS-0600040.01 (associated with ATIS-0600040.02) and to address changes addressing industry feedback on initial implementation of these requirements.
- Resolution: ATIS-0600040, Fault Managed Power Distribution Technologies – Human Contact Fault Analysis was revised for conversion to ATIS-0600040.01 (associated with ATIS-0600040.02) and to address changes addressing industry feedback on initial implementation of these requirements.
- Status: Final Closure
For more information, visit the STEP home page or contact Mignot Asefa.
WTSC: Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee
- Issue: 0107
- Title: Updated ATIS-0700025.v003, Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) International Roaming Specification
- Statement: Update to ATIS-0700025.v002, the International Roaming Standard.
Several statements in the content were valid at the time of writing but are now outdated.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0108
- Title: Alert Handling during International Roaming
- Statement: While ATIS and 3GPP both provide specifications that set requirements for WEA/PWS support during international roaming, these specifications describe behavior which focuses only on the use cases that should occur as would be expected by Alert Originators for a specific subset of alert classes (i.e., National Alert, Imminent Threat). The documentation does not highlight use cases that are likely to differ from the expected alert handling in the US. Documentation of these difference would raise awareness on the part of the Alert Originators.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the WTSC home page or contact Anna Karditzas.
- New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
- Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
- Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
- Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.
Recently Approved ATIS Standards
- Document Number: ATIS-0300116
- Title: Interoperability Standards between Next Generation Networks (NGN) for Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information Using Tokens (SHAKEN)
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000020
- Title: ETS Packet Priority for IP NNI Interfaces - Requirements for a Separate Expedited Forwarding Mechanism
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000049
- Title: End-to-End NGN GETS Call Flow
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000055.2024
- Title: Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS): Core Network Security Requirements
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000059.2024
- Title: ETS Wireline Access Requirements
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000065.2024
- Title: ETS EPC Network Element Requirements
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000086.v002
- Title: LTE and IMS Parameters for Supporting NS/EP Priority Services in NGN
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000102.v002
- Title: Invocation/Revocation of the National Security / Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) Data Transport Service for the Evolved Packet System
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-1000103.v002
- Title: Invocation/Revocation of the National Security / Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) Data Transport Service for the 5G System (5GS)
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0600040
- Title: Fault Managed Power Distribution Technologies – Human Contact Fault Analysis
- Type: Revision
- View Here
Recent Policy Filings
- Date: 07/12/2024
- Description: Ex Parte Notification regarding the CBCA Initiative meeting with the Chair of the FCC
- View filing
- Date: 07/12/2024
- Description: Comments on Draft Implementation Roadmap for the U.S. Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology
- View filing
- Date: 07/01/2024
- Description: Reply Comments in response to comments on how to improve 911 service for Supplemental Coverage from Space (SCS) connections and protect radio astronomy.
- View filing
- Date: 07/03/2024
- Description: Reply to Opposition in response to the Opposition of APCO International submitted by the Association of Public- Safety Communications Officials, International (APCO) in response to ATIS’ Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration.
- View filing
- Date: 07/12/2024
- Description: Reply Comments on proposed rule on specific mechanisms to implement multilingual Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
- View filing
- Date: 07/29/2024
- Description: Reply Comments to the SFNPRM by the FCC regarding the routing of calls to the 988 Lifeline
- View filing