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Increasing IoT Value Through Open Standards to Be Discussed in Upcoming oneM2M Webinar

Increasing IoT Value Through Open Standards to Be Discussed in Upcoming oneM2M Webinar

WASHINGTON  —  The importance of open standards in advancing Internet of Things (IoT) applications that use Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks will be discussed during a webinar hosted by oneM2M. As a a founding Partner of the oneM2M global initiative, ATIS invites you to attend.

Dr. Omar Elloumi, of Nokia, Chair of the oneM2M Technical Plenary, and Regional Marcom Vice Chair Chris Meering of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) will explore the key findings of Boost LPWA revenue through oneM2M, a white paper published by the global IoT standards initiative last month.

Elloumi and Meering will highlight the challenges Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are facing as they look to make the most of their burgeoning IoT deployments. They will then examine how an open standards approach can increase cost-effectiveness, improve scalability and boost confidence that today’s IoT projects will be future-proof and provide value to the CSPs deploying them.

“One of the main conclusions from the white paper was that CSPs need to find ways to create not just more revenue but also more profit from their LPWA connections and application enablement provides this opportunity,” said Elloumi. “To achieve this, oneM2M provides a single horizontal platform for all applications, breaking down silos that inhibit growth and allowing CSPs to move one level up in the IoT value chain. This most recent white paper presents the case for how this works for LPWA networks and how it will accelerate the mass deployment of the IoT.”

The webinar will also look at the way in which open standards support the advancement of the IoT by introducing a horizontal approach to platform management, allowing CSPs to reduce OpEX and explore opportunities for service innovation.

“The need for interoperability is what drives oneM2M’s architecture, which allows CSPs to work across vertical markets and develop a single horizontal platform for data sharing between applications,” said Meering. “By adhering to oneM2M’s approach, CSPs can open up a whole new world of revenue opportunities and gain true value from their deployments, whilst also reducing OpEX.”

The oneM2M webinar “Boost LPWA revenue through oneM2M” takes place on Thursday, January 18, at 15:00 GMT (10:00 A.M. U.S. EST). To register to attend, please visit:


About ATIS
As a leading technology and solutions development organization, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) brings together the top global ICT companies to advance the industry’s business priorities. ATIS’ 150 member companies are currently working to address 5G, cybersecurity, robocall mitigation, IoT, artificial intelligence-enabled networks, the all-IP transition, network functions virtualization, smart cities, emergency services, network evolution, quality of service, billing support, operations, and much more. These priorities follow a fast-track development lifecycle – from design and innovation through standards, specifications, requirements, business use cases, software toolkits, open source solutions, and interoperability testing.

ATIS is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ATIS is the North American Organizational Partner for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a founding Partner of the oneM2M global initiative, a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), as well as a member of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL). For more information, visit

About oneM2M
oneM2M is the global standards initiative that covers requirements, architecture, API specifications, security solutions and interoperability for Machine-to-Machine and IoT technologies. oneM2M was formed in 2012 and consists of eight of the world’s preeminent standards development organizations: ARIB (Japan), ATIS (U.S.), CCSA (China), ETSI (Europe), TIA (U.S.), TSDSI (India), TTA (Korea), and TTC (Japan), together with five industry fora or consortia (Broadband Forum, CEN, CENELEC, GlobalPlatform, OMA) and over 200 member organizations. oneM2M specifications provide a framework to support applications and services such as the smart grid, connected car, home automation, public safety, and health. oneM2M actively encourages industry associations and forums with specific application requirements to participate in oneM2M, in order to ensure that the solutions developed support their specific needs. For more information, including how to join and participate in oneM2M, see:

Marcella Wolfe, Manager – Public Relations and Marketing Communications, ATIS