


Recognize Your Colleagues for Their Industry Contributions

The ATIS Achievement Award recognizes individuals who are directly responsible for significant accomplishments in the development of ATIS standards and/or solutions as well as related activities.

The ATIS Achievement Awards are one way in which the members of ATIS initiatives are recognized for their valued accomplishments — and the results they deliver our industry. Innovation is a hallmark of ATIS solutions. That’s why we are changing our nomination and award process.  We are moving away from an annual award presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Committees (AMOC) and moving to award presentations in working group meetings throughout the year.

Nominate Them for an ATIS Achievement Award:

Nominees must be current representatives from an ATIS Forum, Committee or TOPS Council or Board Innovation Agenda Initiative (“ATIS group(s)”) member company and have participated in one or more ATIS group(s) within the past year.

Nominees will have led, progressed or increased visibility for ATIS activities in such ways as:

  • Spearheading efforts to initiate and progress solutions or standards for critical activities;
  • Generating critical contributions and input leading to the development of ATIS standards and solutions;
  • Providing key leadership role(s) by actively progressing solutions in a timely and efficient manner, including identifying and coordinating input from essential parties; or
  • Demonstrating significant efforts to promote the acceptance and use of ATIS standards and solutions throughout the industry.

Self-nominations are not accepted. ATIS staff members are not eligible for this Award.

  • Achievement Award recipients must be active participants in the ATIS group(s) in which they are nominated.
  • Award recipients are nominated by active participants and selected from those nominated. The merits of the nominations will be evaluated in coordination with appropriate leaders to help determine Achievement Award recipients.

Here’s how this year’s ATIS Awards have been enhanced from those you may have participated in in the past:

Online nominations will be accepted anytime throughout the year as recognition is merited.

Awards will be presented in the group’s meetings as appropriate rather than at AMOC.

Award winners will be recognized via ATIS press and social media promotion.  As is customary, a letter will be sent to the recipient’s company/supervisor(s) announcing the award.

In addition to ATIS Committee and Forum members, TOPS Council as well as the Board Innovation Agenda initiative participants are eligible for awards.