
Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force

Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force


As part of its work to mitigate illegal robocalling, ATIS is launching a task force to investigate non-IP call authentication. Service Providers that operate non-IP (i.e., TDM) networks as well as others that may have an interest in non-IP call authentication are encouraged to participate.

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ATIS has been at the forefront of efforts to develop call authentication standards and has been actively working with the SIP Forum through the joint ATIS-SIP Forum IP Network-to-Network Interface (IP-NNI) Task Force on to develop the SHAKEN series of specifications. This work has appropriately focused on IP-to-IP call authentication. However, the passage of the TRACED Act and adoption by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of its March 2020 order and rulemaking highlighted a need to further examine TDM call authentication.

The FCC’s rulemaking, for example, would establish deadlines for the implementation of call authentication in TDM networks. Additional time would be provided for service providers that undertake “reasonable efforts,” which the FCC indicates would be satisfied if a voice service provider can demonstrate that it is participating as a member of a working group or consortium that is working to develop a TDM solution.

Join a Forefront Industry Group Addressing the Challenges of TDM Call Authentication

To address this industry need, the work of the Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force will complement the work already being addressed in the IP-NNI Task Force. It would allow participants to:

  • Discuss TDM call authentication issues
  • Gain a fuller understanding of the SHAKEN architecture and governance models that would facilitate consideration of complementary approaches for TDM networks
  • Investigate the viability of non-SHAKEN, non-IP call authentication frameworks and how these would interact with SHAKEN
  • Be informed of IP-NNI Task Force developments, including out-of-band (OOB) SHAKEN and other work relevant to non-IP call authentication, and, as appropriate, discuss and develop consensus-based positions on relevant work underway in the IP-NNI Task Force
  • Develop best practices, as appropriate, for TDM networks to address issues such as the deployment of relevant IP-NNI Task Force specifications (for example, OOB SHAKEN if approved by the IP-NNI Task Force) or interworking of TDM networks with SHAKEN

The Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force would not develop any STIR/SHAKEN-based, non-IP proposals (including for OOB SHAKEN) as these are already under development by the IP-NNI Task Force.

Why Join?

  • Get the latest information. Call authentication is an evolving issue and the industry continues to identify and address new issues and to refine existing standards. The Task Force will provide an environment for participants to be educated on SHAKEN and to understand how it is designed to address call authentication for IP networks. As a founding member of the IP-NNI Task Force, ATIS has provided leadership on SHAKEN and the considerations that informed its development.
  • Investigate the Challenges of Non-IP Call Authentication. While much of the industry’s focus has been in IP- to-IP call authentication, there are unique challenges facing TDM networks. This Task Force will help participants understand how TDM networks will be impacted by the SHAKEN framework and provide an environment for innovation and for examining how TDM networks can adapt and address SHAKEN. The objective is to develop consensus positions to bring forward to the IP-NNI Task Force where standards could be developed, if necessary.
  • Develop Best Practices. Participants will have the opportunity to develop best practices, if appropriate, for TDM call authentication technologies, as well as how to address calls that originate or terminate in IP with SHAKEN.
  • Due diligence. Participants will be able to demonstrate to the FCC that they are making reasonable efforts to develop TDM call authentication.

More information

Please contact Rich Moran, ATIS for more information about the Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force.

Learn More

Call Authentication for Non-IP Networks – TRACED Act Compliance
Watch webinar | View slides