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Committee Reports
Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.
INC: Industry Numbering Committee
- Issue: 0886
- Title: Updates to CIC Assignment Guidelines, Sections 2.2, Section 2.2.3 and CIC Application Form – Page 32
- Statement: Discussions under Issue 874, Requirement for FGD access for assignment and retention of a Carrier Identification Code (CIC), revealed that the CIC application processes described in the CIC Assignment Guidelines no longer reflects the current practice, including the requirement in Section 2.2 for an access provider to apply to NANPA for a CIC on behalf of an entity. In addition, the Guidelines are unclear as to how an interconnected VoIP service provider applies for a CIC, and the Guidelines are inconsistent regarding certification/authorization of applicants.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0846
- Title: Confirmation of Code in Service (Part 4) Submitted in Error
- Statement: The NANPA and PA have been noticing a growing amount of Part 4s that are being submitted in error. When the SP realizes that there actually is not trunking in place, they often notify the NANPA/PA that they need to return the CO code since they cannot perform default routing. Although both NAS and PAS have mechanisms for removing the Part 4 and adjusting the reclamation status, there are many risks to other service providers and their customers when there is no routing in place. Incorrectly certifying a code is in service is also leading to more returns and more need for transfers to new code holders, which is already a time-consuming project for both the Number Administrators as well as the affected block holders and/or other service providers with ports from the affected CO code.
- Resolution: INC agreed to modify ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG), with the changes contained in INC-2020-00008R001, to reinforce that Thousands-Block holders and non-pooled code holders should first ensure that the underlying code is activated in the PSTN and that local routing is in place prior to placing the block or code into service and submitting Part 4A or Part 4.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0881
- Title: Further streamline NPA Relief Planning & Not. G-lines Section 5.6.1
- Statement: The NPA Relief Planning & Notification Guidelines were amended in 2014 when Issue 769 was resolved, allowing NANPA and the industry to forego the need to hold relief planning meetings to review an Initial Planning Document and come to a consensus when the only relief alternative that meets the Guideline criteria is an overlay. The Guidelines still require that NANPA draft a relief plan petition requesting approval of the overlay, submit the petition to the appropriate regulatory agency requesting approval of the overlay, and then proceed with the implementation process after regulatory approval has been received.
There have been some instances in which an informal filing on behalf of the industry was used and did not require a petition, did not require opening a docket, etc. and the Guidelines should account for this allowance for future relief projects.
- Resolution: INC agreed to close the Issue and no Guideline changes were made. Currently, NANPA can submit an informal filing at the request of the state, so no changes were needed in Section 5.6.1.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0883
- Title: Clarify language in TBCOCAG regarding Effective Dates when an applicant doesn’t specify a specific date
- Statement: Several sections of the TBCOCAG have the following language: An application without an Effective Date, however, this language is not accurate since an application may not be submitted via PAS without an effective date. We recommend clarifying the language to match the actual process.
- Resolution: INC agreed to modify ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Assignment Guidelines (TBCOCAG) Sections 5.1.7, 5.2.8, 9.1.11, 11.1.7, 13.1.1, and 13.2.1 to specify that applications are automatically populated with a 31 calendar day effective date, as shown in INC-2020-00007R001.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0884
- Title: Updates to the TBCOCAG
- Statement: In reviewing the TBCOCAG we identified several items that required updates. There are numerous inconsistent references to NPAC website and contact information. In addition the NPAC is abbreviated in most locations but others have the full NPAC description listed as well as the abbreviation.
To ensure consistency across the document and avoid confusion when contacting the NPAC, we recommend updating theses references to point to one location within the document where the information will be contained and only defining the NPAC abbreviation at the beginning of the document and also in the glossary.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG), NPAC help desk website and contact information as per contribution INC-2020-00011R002.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0885
- Title: TBCOCAG Updates to iconectiv, TRA and BIRRDS Terms/company name
- Statement: ATIS-0300119 (TBCOCAG) contains some outdated BIRRDS terms as well as the previous iconectiv full company name.
- Resolution: INC agreed to modify ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) and Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) with the changes outlined in INC-2020-00018R000 to clarify references to BIRRDS records rather than screens, modify the use of term “NXD-A record” to specify NXD record for the CO Code, and to update iconectiv company name.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0878
- Title: Request the INC to permit the assignment of 5XX-N11 codes, excluding the assignment of 5XX-911 in the Non-Geographic Code 5XX-NXX Assignment Guidelines
- Statement: On 11/28/18 Sprint received the Part 3 for the assignment of 35 5XXs. Included within this assignment was the range of 523-200 thru 523-212 excluding 523-211. On 3/22/19 Sprint added this range of 523-NXXs into our inventory system. During the addition of these 523-NXXs, an error was made and 523-211 was added into the Sprint inventory system. Since the addition of 523-211 into our system on 3/22/19, it is now 99.6% utilized with all resources in 523-211 being assigned to fleet trucking devices that are not able to be reprogramed after provisioning and shipped.
Since the 5XX NPA NXXs are not dialable, the assignment of N11 codes; with the exclusion of 911, should not bare any hardships for the industry if the INC decides to allow this exception request and allow Sprint to retain the 523-211 since it is nearly 100% utilized.
Section 4.7.2 of the Guidelines states that the remaining 5XX-N11 codes will be reserved pending a decision by the industry, and this situation has presented the opportunity for the industry to make the decision to release these codes to be available for assignment.
- Resolution: INC agreed to the following edits to ATIS-0300052, Non-Geographic Code 5XX-NXX Assignment Guidelines: to make 5XX-N11 codes, except 5XX-911, available for assignment as contained in INC-2019-00075R001. This Issue will remain in Initial Pending until the NANPA Change Order is approved and implemented in the NANP Administration Plan System (NAS). A corresponding Issue will be brought to the Common Interest Group on Routing and Rating (CIGRR).
- Status: Final Closure
For more information, visit the INC home page or contact .
NRSC: Network Reliability Steering Committee
- Issue: 0042
- Title: Investigating Diverse Requests for Outage and Emergency Data from Multiple Agencies
- Statement: NRSC members are aware of diverse requests for outage and emergency data from multiple agencies at various levels of government and are concerned with the impact and resource requirements to the reporting companies.
- Resolution: The NRSC Regulatory Subcommittee created a state reporting requirements matrix and analyzed the state requirements and provided a position paper entitled State Regulatory Network Outage Reporting Requirements for Requests for Data. Both documents were created for NRSC member use and are available in the NRSC Reference Documents folder.
- Status: Final Closure
For more information, visit the NRSC home page or contact Mignot Asefa.
OBF: Ordering and Billing Forum
- Issue: 3645
- Title: Unified Ordering Model (UOM): Remove occurrences of CDLRD, FCDLRD from UOM Vol I, II, and III
- Statement: Update UOM Vol I, II, and Volume III to remove references of CDLRD, FCDLRD.
- Resolution: Removed occurrences of CDLRD, FCDLRD from UOM Vol I and II.
- Status: Final Closure
- Issue: 3646
- Title: Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG): Remove Verizon Specific Fields from ECI Documentation
- Statement: Remove 7 Verizon specific fields from the ECI documentation (Practice 025) that are no longer used.
- Resolution: Removed the following 7 Verizon specific fields that are no longer used in the ECI documentation (Practice 025): DCIR, TIER, ELTN, 911ID, CBAN, IFID and ITID.
- Status: Final Closure
- Issue: 0156
- Title: Transport Level Packet Marking and Packet Scheduling based on 5G QoS Parameters for NS/EP NGN-PS
- Statement: ATIS-1000079 provides a TR on Transport Level Packet Marking and Packet Scheduling for LTE. New parameters and procedures are specified for 5G QoS different from LTE. Therefore, there is a need to specify the Transport Level Packet Marking and Packet Scheduling for 5G based on parameters and procedures defined for 5G (e.g., 5QI).
- Resolution: This Issue was closed with the publication of ATIS-1000090, National Security Emergency Preparedness Next Generation Network Priority Service (NS/EP NGN-PS): Transport Level Packet Marking and Packet Scheduling in 5GS.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0190
- Title: Revision of ATIS-0600015.01.2014 Energy Efficiency for Telecommunication Equipment: Methodology for Measurement & Reporting - Server Requirements
- Statement: To bring Server Requirements in line with Energy Star and Lot 9 testing methodology.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the OBF home page or contact Drew Greco.
- New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
- Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
- Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
- Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.
Recently Approved ATIS Standards
- Document Number: ATIS-1000088
- Title: A Framework for SHAKEN Attestation and Origination Identifier
- Type: New
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-I-1000077
- Title: Future Network-Enabled Marketplace
- Type: New
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0700025.v002
- Title: Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) International Roaming Specification
- Type: New
- View Here
Recent Policy Filings
- Date: February 21, 2020
- Description: Comments on behalf of ESIF providing input on location accuracy rules, including whether enhancements should be made to the vertical location accuracy testing process.
- View filing
- Date: February 14, 2020
- Description: Comments on behalf of INC regarding the designation of 988 as the three-digit code for a national suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline.
- View filing