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Committee Reports
Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.
INC: Industry Numbering Committee
- Issue: 942
- Title: Review Facilities Readiness sections of the 9YY NXX Assignment Guidelines and Non-Geographic 5XX-NXX Assignment Guidelines and remove any forms of facilities readiness that are not valid
- Statement: During discussion of INC Issue 939, Revisit Use of Pre-Planning Checklist for Non-Geographic Resources INC determined a review of ATIS-0300052 Non-Geographic 5XX-NXX Assignment Guidelines Sections 4.3.2 Facilities Readiness and ATIS-03000060 9YY NXX Code Assignment Guidelines Section 5.12.2 Facilities Readiness was needed to ensure that all forms of proof of facilities readiness listed are valid for the resource type.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300060, 9YY NXX Code Assignment Guidelines, and ATIS-0300052, Non-Geographic 5XX-NXX Code Assignment Guidelines, with the updates reflected in INC-2023-00005R000 and INC-2023-00006R000 respectively.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 944
- Title: Add language to encourage SPs needing to establish an LRN to investigate a CO Code transfer prior to applying for a new CO Code for LRN to the TBCOCAG
- Statement: In INC Issue 930, Improvements to Voluntary Code Transfer Process for LRN Purposes, INC added language to encourage SPs needing to establish LRNs to investigate a CO Code transfer prior to applying for a new CO Code for LRN. However, Service Providers seeking to request new CO Codes for LRN purposes may not know to look for the language in Section 9 Modification to Numbering Resources of the ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) and Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG). Therefore, NANPA suggests adding language to encourage SPs needing to establish an LRN to investigate a CO Code transfer prior to applying for a new CO Code for LRN to Section 4 Pre-Ordering Responsibilities of the TBCOCAG. In addition, NANPA is suggesting updates to the LRN language in Sections 5.3.3, 5.4.3, 5.5.3, 5.6.3,, and
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines, with the updates reflected in INC-2023-00011R001.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 945
- Title: Add language outlining the steps when transferring a CO Code for LRN purposes to TBCOCAG Section 9 Modification to Numbering Resources
- Statement: In INC Issue 930, Improvements to Voluntary Code Transfer Process for LRN Purposes, INC added language to encourage SPs needing to establish LRNs to investigate a CO Code transfer prior to applying to open a new CO Code for LRN. In order to process a CO Code transfer, the relinquishing SP (in the case of a Non-Pooled Code changing to Pooled) and the receiving SP need to follow certain steps during the application process. These steps are not outlined in ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) and Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG). Therefore, NANPA suggests adding language to Section 9.2.6 Pooled CO Code Transfer Process and Section 9.3.5 Non-Pooled CO Code Transfer Process of the TBCOCAG outlining the steps when transferring a CO Code for LRN purposes.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines, with the updates reflected in INC-2023-00013R000.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 946
- Title: Update Jeopardy Procedures to allow NANPA to review jeopardy procedures at the implementation meeting and rescind jeopardy when it is no longer needed
- Statement: Currently there is no way for NANPA and the industry to review and adjust the final jeopardy procedures or for NANPA to rescind jeopardy when it is no longer needed and NPA relief has not been implemented. Therefore, NANPA suggests updating Section 15 Central Office (CO) Code (NPA-NXX) Conservation and Jeopardy Procedures of ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) and Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines (TBCOCAG) to allow for NANPA and the industry to review final jeopardy procedures and allow NANPA to rescind jeopardy when it is no longer needed.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines, with the updates reflected in INC-2023-00018R001.
- Status: Initial Closure
For more information, visit the INC home page or contact Kayla Goldfarb.
ESIF: Emergency Services Interconnection Forum
- Issue: 0112
- Title: Update ATIS-0500032, ATIS Standard for Implementation of an IMS-based NG9-1-1 Service Architecture, to maintain functional alignment with NENA i3 standard.
- Statement: ATIS-0500032, ATIS Standard for Implementation of an IMS-based NG9-1-1 Service Architecture, specifies the architecture, functional elements, call flows, protocols, and interfaces associated with an IMS-based NG9-1-1 service architecture. This Issue proposes updates to ATIS-0500032 to align with the updates being made to the NENA i3 standard to maintain functional alignment. This includes topics such as the authentication of caller identity, Resource-Priority Header and Priority header information associated with PSAP callbacks. When an NG9-1-1 PSAP initiates a callback call, it will include Identity headers signed using credentials that are traceable to the PSAP Credentialing Agency (PCA). Enhancements are needed to ATIS-0500032 to allow an IMS-based NG9-1-1 Emergency Services Networks to determine whether the signatures in the Identity headers received from an NG9-1-1 PSAP are valid before interacting with an authentication service to apply SHAKEN caller identity and RPH/Priority header authentication/signing.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the ESIF home page or contact Drew Greco.
STEP: Sustainability in Telecom: Energy and Protection Committee
- Issue: 0208
- Title: Revision of ATIS-0600003.2018, Battery Enclosures and Rooms/Areas
- Statement: Revision of ATIS-0600003.2018, Battery Enclosures and Rooms/Areas to provide updates for modern products and terminology.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the STEP home page or contact Mignot Asefa.
- New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
- Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
- Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
- Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.
Recently Approved ATIS Standards
- Document Number: ATIS-I-0000093
- Title: Self-Sovereign Identity in Telecommunications Services
- Type: New
- View Here
Recent Policy Filings
- Date: 02-16-2023
- Description: Comments in response to FCC NPRM proposing to require wireless carriers and covered text providers to implement location-based routing (LBR) for 911 calls and texts
- View filing