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Committee Reports
Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.
INC: Industry Numbering Committee
- Issue: 0947
- Title: Review ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines for potential updates and clarifications
- Statement: While preparing for the combined NAS, NANPA has identified some areas where INC may need to add clarification or consider changes to ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines. NANPA feels a thorough review of the guidelines would be beneficial, however, the following are areas NANPA would like INC to consider adding clarification or consider changing:
New CIC assignments/Transfers
-Is the use and assignment of CICs declining to the point that CIC reporting, established over 20 years ago, obsolete and no longer needed?
-Will CICs be used in the future in non-TDM networks, i.e., all-IP (VoIP) networks?
-Should NANPA deny when an Assignee/Entity, B&C Agent, or Access Provider Report is missing for the current cycle?
In Service/Reclamation
-Is a Part 4 (C) the best way to determine In Service or should it be eliminated and NANPA use Semi-Annual CIC Reports?
-If NANPA uses Semi-Annual CIC Reports, identify triggers for reclamation (i.e., no Assignee/Entity Report (in guidelines when no response upon further request), or no usage by an Access Provider (as reported in Access Provider Reports) for X cycles]. If Part 4 remains does the 60 days after the Part C due date still apply for FCC notification does the 12-month aging still apply to CIC Reports?
-Is CIC Reporting needed, and if so, can it be simplified?
-Is Semi-Annual Reporting needed or would Annual Reporting be sufficient?
-What data does NANPA really need (each report type)?
-Should CIC Access Provider Reporting be eliminated, and only CIC Assignee/Entity and B&C Clearinghouse Reports be required?
-Would CIC Assignee/Entity and B&C Clearinghouse Reports provide enough information for NANPA to determine if a CIC is in use or should be reclaimed?
-What data should NANPA be reviewing/comparing and what actions should be taken by NANPA and the Assignee/Entities, B&C Clearinghouse, and Access Provider Assignee/Entities or B&C Clearinghouse Reports reporting no usage or not reporting on CIC Assignee/Entities and B&C Clearinghouse Reports reporting no usage or not reporting on the CIC and usage being reported by Access Providers Assignee/Entities or B&C Clearinghouse Reports reporting usage and no usage being reported by Access Providers Access Provider Reports sometimes have multiple Entities/IAC associated with a CIC on Access Provider Reports Access Provider Reports sometimes show usage on an Entity/IAC not assigned to the CIC Access Providers report usage on Available, Unavailable and Aging CICs Access Providers report FG B CICs with FG D usage and vice versa
-When should NANPA reject a Semi-Annual Report (each report type)?
Access Providers
-Should there be a consequence for an Access Providers that fails to submit a Semi-Annual Report? If yes, identify the consequence (i.e., report to FCC if NANPA reaches out and still doesn't receive report) B&C Agents.
-Do they still require CICs in today's environment?
-Are there any assigned ABECs?
-Are updates needed to this section?
-Should B&C Agents be subject to reclamation after 60 days when they fail to submit a Semi-Annual Report (Currently the requirement only applies Assignees/Entities) IAC database access?
-NANPA's access to the database was taken away several years ago and NANPA has since been purchasing the IAC report? - Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0949
- Title: Update first footnote in Section 3.1 of ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines
- Statement: The first footnote in Section 3.1 of ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines states the limit of two FG D CIC assignments is temporary, however, paragraph 31 of FCC 97-125 does not state the restriction is temporary.
We modify the conservation plan as follows:
-Entities with only one Feature Group 0 CIC assignment (whether it is a three digit CIC or a four digit CIC), lIS and who are currently ineligible to receive another CIC, may apply for and receive a second CIC;
-An entity that has no CICs upon the effective date of this Second Report and Order may apply for and receive two four digit Feature Group D CICs;
-Each entity that had only one CIC, and received an additional CIC under the intraLATA presubscription exception to the conservation plan,116 may decide itself how it will use its second CIC;
-Entities with two or more CICs (whether they are three digits or four digits), may not receive any additional CICs; and
-Bellcore may assign only four digit Feature Group D CICs. NANPA suggests removing temporary from the first footnote in Section 3.1 of ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines. - Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0951
- Title: Review the Unassignable Special Use NXXs in ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines
- Statement: The NANCs Report and Recommendation on the Feasibility on ITN Pooling Trials and Alternative Means for Conserving Numbering Resources (Feb 2023) recommends: ATIS Industry Numbering Committee (INC) (and other ATIS committees as needed) should review all unassignable special use NXX codes to determine if any can be released now, and/or if nationwide 10-digit dialing is implemented.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0943
- Title: Update the TBCOCAG Section 7.3.7 Unassignable, Special Use CO Codes to allow NANPA to release a NXX that is the same as the NPA in a single NPA environment when the 10-digit local dialing is in place or is implemented
- Statement: ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) and Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines Section 7.3.7 Unassignable, Special Use CO Codes currently only allows for the release of a NXX which is the same as the NPA in a single NPA environment when an overlay is implemented. There are single NPA areas (WA 206) where 10-digit local dialing is in place and no overlay exists. NANPA suggests updating Section 7.3.7 Unassignable, Special Use CO Codes to allow NANPA to release the NXX which is the same as the NPA in single NPA environments where 10-digit local dialing is in place or when 10-digit local dialing is implemented.
- Resolution: INC agreed that NANPA shall consult with the industry on a case-by-case basis before making available for assignment the CO Codes that matches the home NPA when 10-digit dialing is being implemented. INC made the changes to ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) and Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines, as shown in INC-2023-00008R002, and ATIS-0300006, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines, as shown in INC-2023-00035R000.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0948
- Title: Update the TBCOCAG to remove set aside CO Codes when an NPA is in Jeopardy and allow all CO codes to be assigned in an NPA when the NPA is within 60 days of service providers being able to request CO Codes in the new relief NPA(s)
- Statement: ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines Section 15 Central Office (CO) Code (NPA-NXX) Conservation and Jeopardy Procedures allows for CO Codes to be set aside for Thousands-Block Number Pooling when an NPA is in Jeopardy and does not prohibit Jeopardy when a new NPA is within 60 days of service providers being able to request numbering resources. Since the majority of NPAs and applications are Pooled, NANPA recommends removing set aside CO Codes for pooling applications as there is no longer a need for CO Codes to be set aside specifically for pooling purposes. Additionally, when an NPA is in danger of having all assignable CO Codes allocated, has regulatory approval for relief, and is within 60 days of service providers being able to request CO Codes in the relief NPA, NANPA recommends that Jeopardy will not be declared and all assignable CO Codes in the NPA may be assigned.
- Resolution: INC agreed to the changes to Section 15 Central Office (CO) Code (NPA-NXX) Conservation and Jeopardy Procedures of ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines as shown in INC-2023-00023R001.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 0950
- Title: Update the submission methods in ATIS-0300068, North American Numbering Plan Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Reporting Guidelines
- Statement: ATIS-0300068, North American Numbering Plan Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Reporting Guidelines indicate submissions will be accepted for CD and that NANPA will input NRUF submissions for a fee which are no longer supported by NANPA.
- Resolution: INC agreed to the submission format changes made to ATIS-0300068, North American Numbering Plan Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Reporting Guideline, as shown in INC-2023-00027R001.
- Status: Initial Closure
For more information, visit the INC home page or contact Kayla Goldfarb.
- New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
- Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
- Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
- Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.
Recently Approved ATIS Standards
- Document Number: ATIS-0300208.2013(S2023)
- Title: OAM&P - Upper Layer Protocols for Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) Interfaces, 03 and X Interfaces
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0300216.2013(S2023)
- Title: ISDN Management - Basic Rate Physical Layer
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0300217.2013(S2023)
- Title: ISDN Management - Primary Rate Physical Layer
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0300247.2018(R2023)
- Title: OAM&P - Performance Management Functional Area Services and Information Model for Interfaces between Operations Systems and Network Elements
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0300253.2020
- Title: Structure for the Representation of Location Entities for Information Exchange
- Type: Revision
- View Here
Recent Policy Filings
- Date: 05/08/2023
- Description: Reply Comments in response to FCC Public Notice seeking comment on the HAC Task Force Final Report and Recommendation
- View filing
- Date: 05/08/2023
- Description: Comments response to FCC rulemaking on the National 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
- View filing