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Committee Reports
Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.
ESIF: Emergency Services Interconnection Forum
- Issue: 0115
- Title: Update ATIS-0500036, ATIS Standard for IMS-based Next Generation Emergency Services Network Interconnection, to maintain functional alignment with NENA i3 standard
- Statement: ATIS-0500036, ATIS Standard for IMS-based Next Generation Emergency Services Network Interconnection, defines the inter-Emergency Services Network interactions for initial emergency calls that are required to be routed to another Emergency Service Network, and emergency calls that are transferred (bridged) between Emergency Services Networks. This Issue proposes updates to ATIS-0500036 to maintain functional alignment with the NENA i3 standard and the latest update of ATIS-0500032, ATIS Standard for Implementation of an IMS-based NG9-1-1 Service Architecture. This includes topics such as the authentication of caller identity and Resource-Priority Header information associated emergency calls that are transferred between Emergency Services Networks. When an NG9-1-1 PSAP initiates an emergency call transfer, the Conferencing AS will initiate a call toward the transfer-to PSAP that includes Identity headers signed using credentials that are traceable to the PSAP Credentialing Agency (PCA). Enhancements are needed to ATIS-0500036 to allow an upstream IMS-based NG9-1-1 Emergency Services Networks to sign information associated with transferred emergency calls using PCA-traceable certificates, and downstream IMS-based NG9-1-1 Emergency Services Networks to verify the signed information before delivering the call to the transfer-to PSAP.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the ESIF home page or contact Drew Greco.
INC: Industry Numbering Committee
- Issue: 947
- Title: Review ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines for potential updates and clarifications
- Statement: While preparing for the combined NAS, NANPA has identified some areas where INC may need to add clarification or consider changes to ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines. NANPA feels a thorough review of the guidelines would be beneficial, however, the following are areas NANPA would like INC to consider adding clarification or consider changing:
• New CIC assignments/Transfers
o Is the use and assignment of CICs declining to the point that CIC reporting, established over 20 years ago, is obsolete and no longer needed.
o Will CICs be used in the future in non-TDM networks, i.e., all-IP (VoIP) networks
o Should NANPA deny when an Assignee/Entity, B&C Agent, or Access Provider Report is missing for the current cycle
• In Service/Reclamation
o Is a Part 4 (C) the best way to determine In Service or should it be eliminated and NANPA use Semi-Annual CIC Reports
- If NANPA uses Semi-Annual CIC Reports, identify triggers for reclamation [i.e., no Assignee/Entity Report (in guidelines when no response upon further request), or no usage by an Access Provider (as reported in Access Provider Reports) for X cycles]
- If Part 4 remains does the 60 days after the Part C due date still apply for FCC notification
- Does the 12-month aging still apply
• CIC Reports
o Is CIC Reporting needed, and if so, can it be simplified
o Is Semi-Annual Reporting needed or would annual be sufficient
o What data does NANPA really need (each report type)
o Should CIC Access Provider Reporting be eliminated, and only CIC Assignee/Entity and B&C Clearinghouse Reports be required
o Would CIC Assignee/Entity and B&C Clearinghouse Reports provide enough information for NANPA to determine if a CIC is in use or should be reclaimed
o What data should NANPA be reviewing/comparing and what actions should be taken by NANPA and the Assignee/Entities, B&C Clearinghouse, and Access Provider
- Assignee/Entities or B&C Clearinghouse Reports reporting no usage or not reporting on CIC
- Assignee/Entities and B&C Clearinghouse Reports reporting no usage or not reporting on the CIC and usage being reported by Access Providers
- Assignee/Entities or B&C Clearinghouse Reports reporting usage and no usage being reported by Access Providers
- Access Provider Reports sometimes have multiple Entities/IAC associated with a CIC on Access Provider Reports
- Access Provider Reports sometimes show usage on an Entity/IAC not assigned to the CIC
- Access Providers report usage on Available, Unavailable and Aging CICs
- Access Providers report FG B CICs with FG D usage and vice versa
o When should NANPA reject a Semi-Annual Report (each report type)
• Access Providers
o Should there be a consequence for an Access Providers that fails to submit a Semi-Annual Report
- If yes, identify the consequence (i.e., report to FCC if NANPA reaches out and still doesn’t receive report)
• B&C Agents
o Do they still require CICs in today’s environment
o Are there any assigned ABECs
o Are updates needed to this section
o Should B&C Agents be subject to reclamation after 60 days when they fail to submit a Semi-Annual Report (Currently the requirement only applies Assignees/Entities)
• IAC database access
o NANPA’s access to the database was taken away several years ago and NANPA has since been purchasing the IAC report
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300050 CIC Assignment Guidelines as reflected in INC-2023-00042R001, INC-2023-00043R002, INC-2023-00044R000, INC-2023-00045R000, and INC-2023-00046R000. INC eliminated the Access Provider reporting requirement and reduced the Assignee reporting requirement to annual instead of semi-annual. CIC Assignees may submit their reports between January 1 and March 31 each year.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 955
- Title: Update ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines Annex A #17 to remove requirement for a minutes approval call and replace with a process for email edits and approval
- Statement: ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines Annex A #17 states a conference call is to be held to approve minutes. The participants attending recent relief planning meetings have agreed to forego meetings to finalize minutes and have instead agreed to provide edits to the NPA Relief Planners through email.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines as reflected in INC-2023-00056R003. INC updated Annex A #17 to remove the requirement for NANPA to hold a meeting to finalize minutes and instead outline a process to edit and approve minutes through email.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 956
- Title: Update Section 5 of the ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines to direct NANPA to wait for regulatory direction if a docket is opened to investigate relief of an NPA
- Statement: Recently, Missouri and Louisiana approved NPA relief outside of NANPA filing a petition on behalf of the industry. NANPA notified Missouri and Louisiana Commission staff that relief was needed and submitted a letter outlining the relief planning process. The Commission staff opened a docket, on their own motion, and included the NANPA letter stating NPA relief was needed.
NANPA suggests updating Section 5 of the ATIS-0300061, NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines to state if a docket is opened to investigate relief of an NPA, NANPA will not proceed with preparing relief options and will wait for regulatory direction.
- Resolution: INC agreed that no guideline changes are necessary at this time in order to maintain the industry’s voice in making a consensus recommendation to the state on the method of relief.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 963
- Title: Update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines with invalid COCTYPE and SSC values for Pooled CO Codes
- Statement: CIGRR gave TRA and NANPA an action item to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines to indicate that Pooled CO Codes shall not have an NXD COCTYPE of PLN, SIC, TST, AIN, BLG, BRD, CDA, CTV, ENP, FGB, HVL, N11, ONA, RTG, UFA, or 700 or an SSC of A (IntraLATA).
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 964
- Title: Additional updates to ATIS to ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines Part 1 form
- Statement: In order to be 508 compliant NANPA has updated the way Thousands-Blocks associated with a CO Code pending PSTN activation are shown on reports. The Thousands-Blocks shall no longer be indicated via red text. Instead, a new Available Pending (AP) column has been added to the Thousands-Block Available Report when will indicate when a Thousands-Block is associated with a CO Code where PSTN activation is pending and thus is in Available Pending (AP) status.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines Part 1 form with the changes reflected in INC-2023-00097R000. INC updated the text associated with the checkbox acknowledging the acceptance of a Thousands-Block from a CO Code pending activation in the PSTN. This will be implemented with the CNAS.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 965
- Title: Additional updates to ATIS-0300060, 9YY NXX Code Assignment Guidelines Part 1 for combined NAS
- Statement: To align the Part 1 forms across the resources, NANPA is suggesting the following updates to the ATIS-0300060, 9YY NXX Code Assignment Guidelines Part 1 form:
•Remove the yes and no checkboxes next to Modification and Disconnect,
•Update the modification types to OCN: Inter-company and OCN: Intra-company as those are the two types of changes NANPA receives,
•Remove the formerly administered by fields, and
•Add a Comments field
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300060, 9YY NXX Code Assignment Guidelines Part 1 for combined NAS with the changes reflected in INC-2023-00099R000. INC updated ATIS-0300060, 9YY NXX Code Assignment Guidelines Part 1 form to:
•Remove the yes and no checkboxes next to Modification and Disconnect,
•Update the modification types to OCN: Inter-company and OCN: Intra-company,
•Remove the formerly administered by fields, and
•Add a Comments field
This will be implemented with CNAS.
- Status: Initial Closure
- Issue: 966
- Title: Update language regarding NPAC and NECA notification in Section 12 Abandoned Numbering Resources of the ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines
- Statement: Section 12 Abandoned Numbering Resources states that NANPA shall provide the NPAC, TRA and NECA written notice that the SP has terminated service when the appropriate regulatory authority approves the reclamation of abandoned resources. Since NANPA cannot confirm the SP has terminated service and is acting on the direction of the appropriate regulatory authority, Section 12 should be updated to state that NANPA shall notify NPAC, TRA and NECA that the appropriate regulatory authority has directed NANPA to reclaim the abandoned resources.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 967
- Title: Remove Rate Center in Section 10.2 Mass Modification Pooled and Non-Pooled CO Codes in the ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines
- Statement: Section 10.2 Mass Modification Pooled and Non-Pooled Central Office (CO) Codes (NPA-NXX) lists Rate Center as a modification that may change over time, however, Rate Center is not a modification option for a mass modification since it requires an NPAC check and either initial documentation or an MTE.
To avoid confusion, NANPA suggests removing Rate Center from the list of modification in Section 10.2.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the INC home page or contact .
Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force
- Issue: 0172
- Title: Investigate alternative Out-of-Band SHAKEN architecture that does not require STI-CPSs to broadcast PASSporTs
- Statement: With changes to ATIS-1000096, either as ATIS-1000096.v002 or as a discrete newly published document, STI-CPSs will no longer need to share PASSporTs. Instead of STI-CPS publish and retrieve just occurring at the TDM boundaries, if STI-CPS publish and retrieve occurred at each TDM NNI, no PASSporT sharing would be required.
Specifically, every pair of service providers that interconnect using TDM determine which STI-CPS they will use for calls that traverse that TDM interconnect. A different STI-CPS may be used depending on call direction. The STI-CPS may be operated by a third party or may be operated by one of the service providers themselves. These details should be left open to bilateral agreements, all that matters is that the interconnecting service providers agree on which STI-CPS will be used for each call that traverses that that TDM interconnect. The publish and retrieve then occurs at each TDM NNI instead of at the non-IP boundary.
Like before, Out-of-Band SHAKEN can still transmit any type of PASSporT (e.g., shaken, rph, div, etc.), supports multiple PASSporTs present in a single call, places no requirements on service providers with only IP interconnects, and is completely transparent to service providers with IP interconnects. The implementation for cross-border calls is significantly simplified because there is no longer a concept of a national STI-CPS network, meaning there is no difference between a domestic call and a cross-border call. Out-of-Band SHAKEN can still coexist with ATIS-1000095.v002 including during the call path of a single call.
If the proposed changes are either made to ATIS-1000096 or published as a new standard, ATIS-1000097 should be updated as well.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the NIPCA home page or contact .
- New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
- Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
- Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
- Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.
Recently Approved ATIS Standards
- Document Number: ATIS-0700051.v002
- Title: North American Microwave Spectrum Bands (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
- Type: Revision
- View Here
Recent Policy Filings
- Date: 10/13/2023
- Description: Ex Parte notification on behalf of ATIS NRSC providing input on the California Major Service Interruption Reporting Portal
- View filing