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ATIS Delivers Insight into Solutions and Tools for Consumers to Fight the Scourge of Illegal Robocalling

ATIS Delivers Insight into Solutions and Tools for Consumers to Fight the Scourge of Illegal Robocalling

What: ATIS Principal Technologist Jim McEachern will speak on the Solutions and Tools for Consumers panel at the March 23, 2018 Joint Policy Forum on Fighting the Scourge of Illegal Robocalls. The event is hosted by Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.  The panel will shed light on industry efforts to develop Caller ID authentication as well as third-party solutions and other resources available to empower consumers. Speakers will highlight some of the major contributions taking place to mitigate illegal robocalling — the number one consumer complaint at the FCC.

McEachern has played a lead role in ATIS’ work with the SIP Forum to develop the industry’s “Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs” (SHAKEN) protocol. SHAKEN has been developed as an implementation framework leveraging the IETF’s STIR protocol to help service providers better combat robocalls and call spoofing on IP-based networks.

Where & When: The Solutions and Tools for Consumers panel takes place at 11:30 a.m. in the Commission Meeting Room at FCC Headquarters, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC.

Live video feed and other information related to this event will be available at:

Marcella Wolfe, Manager – Public Relations and Marketing Communications, ATIS