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ATIS’ Next G Alliance Advances Understanding of 6G Technologies

ATIS’ Next G Alliance Advances Understanding of 6G Technologies

Washington – ATIS’ Next G Alliance today released recommendations forecasting the technologies that will be needed to advance the 6G future and areas in which further research is required on North American 6G priorities. This work, presented in Next G Alliance Report: 6G Technologies, defines the specific technologies needed to fulfill the vision in the National 6G Roadmap, also developed by the Next G Alliance, the industry-led group building the foundation for North American leadership in 6G and beyond.

The report provides an overview of forty-seven key 6G candidates spanning the areas of: Component Technologies; Radio Technologies; System and Network Architecture; Network Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) and Service Enablement; and Trustworthiness – Security, Reliability, Privacy, and Resilience.

Comprehensive in nature, these recommendations are based on insight from Next G Alliance mobile technology experts in the areas of: Applications and Requirements; Spectrum; Sustainability; and Societal and Economic Needs.

“This new report provides one of the industry’s first strategic looks at the technologies and research needed to deliver the yet-to-be-developed innovations that will position North America as a leader in 6G,” said ATIS President and CEO Susan Miller. “While many of the innovations presented are starting to be discussed in 5G, they will likely not reach their full potential until 6G. Others represent fundamental departures from previous concepts and architectures.  Discussions for these new areas are also taking place now through ATIS’ Next G Alliance.”

Access the Next G Alliance Report: 6G Technologies.


Marcella Wolfe, Manager – Public Relations and Marketing Communications, ATIS