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ATIS’ Next G Alliance Cost-Efficient Solutions and Digital World Experiences White Papers Expand Efforts to Map the 6G Future

ATIS’ Next G Alliance Cost-Efficient Solutions and Digital World Experiences White Papers Expand Efforts to Map the 6G Future

Washington, D.C., December 15, 2022 – ATIS’ Next G Alliance (NGA) today announced publication of two reports, Cost-Efficient Solutions and Digital World Experiences, advancing two of the six audacious goals set forth in its Roadmap to 6G. Published in early 2022, the Roadmap is the foundation of the NGA’s vision for North American 6G leadership.

Cost-Efficient Solutions. The continued momentum of wireless evolution requires efficiency in all aspects of 6G — leveraged for urban, rural and suburban environments. The new Cost-Efficient Solutions report presents driving forces and North American imperatives toward this goal; challenges, research and technology directions; as well as paths to realization through innovation, standardization and investment. Conclusions cover advanced radio technologies, expanded spectrum resources, cell densification and innovative network topologies as well as interoperability and open interfaces.

Digital World Experiences. DWEs are multi-dimensional, multi-party and multi-sensory experiences that transform human interactions across physical, human and digital worlds. These are expected to yield completely new forms of human and machine encounter. The Digital World Experiences report examines the societal and economic opportunities DWEs make possible as well as 6G research and technology required to help realize them. It identifies several DWE use cases (e.g., immersive multi-sensory XR, network-enabled robotics and autonomous systems) along with several technical challenges impeding their realization. Also presented are several key areas for 6G research and technology.

“The Roadmap to 6G laid the foundation on how North America will become an epicenter of innovation-driven economic growth in a new era of wireless,” said ATIS President and CEO Susan Miller. “ATIS sees these two new reports as points in a constellation — part of a larger body of Roadmap-driven work positioning North America to seize strategic opportunities in the 6G and beyond future.”

“The publication of these two strategic whitepapers lays the foundation for the 6G era with respect to novel use cases and advanced radio technologies,” said Amitava Ghosh, Next G Alliance National 6G Roadmap Working Group Chair and Nokia Fellow, Nokia Strategy & Technology. “Thanks to the NGA National 6G Roadmap Working Group members who contributed to this effort.”

The Roadmap to 6G contains six audacious goals that address top priorities for North America’s contribution and leadership in 6G-related global standards, deployments, products, operations and services. Work on these goals is advancing rapidly. In addition to the new cost-efficient solutions and digital world experiences reports, earlier this year a report on 6G distributed cloud and communications system was completed as well as one on trust, security and resilience. Reports on the AI-native future network and sustainability are in process and expected in 2023.

Access Cost-Efficient Solutions, Digital World Experiences and all NGA publications in the Next G Alliance 6G Library.

Marcella Wolfe, Manager – Public Relations and Marketing Communications, ATIS