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ATIS’ Next G Alliance Maps the Future of Wireless Radio Technology in the 6G World

ATIS’ Next G Alliance Maps the Future of Wireless Radio Technology in the 6G World

ATIS’ Next G Alliance today announced publication of a report that presents the future of 6G basic radio technologies. 6G Radio Technology Part I: Basic Radio Technologies covers the fundamental 6G designs at the air interface level, surveys new developments in the fundamental building blocks of radio technology, and discusses the potential impact of prospective new 6G new designs on spectrum and energy efficiency over previous cellular generations. New6G spectrum and spectrum-sharing mechanisms are also covered as well as various advanced MIMO designs (for different frequency bands) — among many other topics.

“The evolutionary and revolutionary changes in basic radio technologies detailed in this paper are the most fundamental aspects of next-generation cellular systems that will have a direct impact on key performance indicators (KPIs),” said Next G Alliance Managing Director David Young, “Successful R&D in these technologies will play a critical role in North American 6G technology leadership.”

6G Radio Technology Part II is forthcoming in 2024 and will address: AI native design for 6G, green communication, and 6G new network topologies.

Access 6G Radio Technology Part I: Basic Radio Technologies and the many Next G Alliance resources to map the 6G future in the 6G Library.

Marcella Wolfe, Manager – Public Relations and Marketing Communications, ATIS