
5G Vertical Platform Assessment Report

5G Vertical Platform Assessment Report

March 2021

The advent of 5G will fundamentally change communication service providers (CSPs) by enabling significant improvements in bandwidth, data rates, latency and the network’s ability to support a vast amount and variety of devices to be supported on the network. The 5G architecture promotes network virtualization, AI and automation, and introduces new technologies such as edge computing and network slicing to enable the introduction of immersive solutions.

These 5G capabilities provide the potential for vertical industries to develop innovative new services and applications. However, implementations for these vertical industries and their applications across 5G and emerging communications services are far from optimized. This is due to the lack of enablement platforms that can deliver enabling capabilities not currently provided by 5G standards. Without such enablement platforms, CSPs have been slow to accelerate enterprise digital transformation and unlock new, 5G-enabled business opportunities.

This report’s objective is to identity the vertical industry use case needs, underpinned by specific 5G platform enablement capabilities that will enable these verticals to fully exploit 5G and its capabilities. Prioritizing the collaborative needs at an industry level will provide guidance to ATIS regarding near-term opportunities. Ultimately, the goal is to spur greater appetite for, and adoption of, 5G-enabled services and applications and foster greater partnering with vertical markets.

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