Strategic Framework for Crypto Agility and Quantum Risk Assessment

Strategic Framework for Crypto Agility and Quantum Risk Assessment

January 2024

The Strategic Framework for Crypto Agility and Quantum Risk Assessment introduces Crypto Agility Metrics that information and communications technology (ICT) organizations can use to proactively measure, assess, and enhance their preparedness for the shift to quantum-safe cryptography. Crypto Agility refers to an organization’s capacity to promptly and efficiently adapt its cryptographic strategies in response to emerging threats. As new cryptographic technologies emerge and potential vulnerabilities are discovered, organizations must be agile in transitioning to more secure cryptographic algorithms. Standardized Crypto Agility Metrics coupled with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) offer organizations a structured and measurable approach to responding to Quantum computing’s challenges. The report demonstrates how a Crypto Agility KPI Scorecard is used across operations, products and when communications with stakeholders. It provides an array of use cases spotlighting the application of the crypto agility scorecards within telecom enterprises.  

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