
April 2024 – ANS

The ATIS ANS Report includes newly proposed Standards, Standards that have been proposed for letter ballot, and Standards that have been recently published.

The standardization process is governed by the ATIS Operating Procedures, which have been accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ATIS strives to maintain diverse participation among industry segments (Consumer, General Interest, or Producer). In particular, ATIS is seeking participation from specific interest categories for the following committees:

  • NRSC, PTSC, and WTSC-producers and general interest
  • STEP and SYNC-users and general interest

Producers-An entity that produces or supplies communications equipment or infrastructure for the provision of communications services. Examples include various types of testing, monitoring, routing, and central office equipment manufacturers, software developers, etc.
Users-An entity that uses communications equipment or infrastructure and provides services to an end user. Examples include incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs), competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), interexchange carriers (IXCs), wireless service providers, etc.
General Interest-An entity that is neither Producers nor Users. This category includes, but is not limited to, regulatory agencies (state and federal), researchers, other organizations and associations, and educators.

If your organization is affected by the work in ATIS’ Committees or Forums, and you are interested in engaging as a member of our consensus bodies for the development of standards, contact Rich Moran, ATIS Membership Director to apply for membership.

A full catalog of ATIS’ publications can be found here.

Committee Reports

Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.

  • TMOC: Telecom Management and Operations Committee


  • New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
  • Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
  • Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
  • Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.

Recently Approved ATIS Standards


    • Document Number: ATIS-0300091.2018(R2024)
    • Title: Structure for Global Serialization of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Network Infrastructure Equipment
    • Type: Revision
    • View Here
    • Document Number: ATIS-0300220.2018(R2024)
    • Title: Structure for the Representation of the Communications Industry Manufactures, Suppliers, and Related Service Companies for Information Exchange
    • Type: Revision
    • View Here