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Committee Reports
Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.
OBF: Ordering and Billing Forum
- Issue: 3663
- Title: Moving the Ethernet Virtual Connection Quantity (EVC QTY) Field
- Statement: Requesting a move of the EVC QTY field from the EVC Form to the ASR Form.
- Resolution: Moved the EVC QTY field from the EVC Form to the ASR Form.
- Status: Initial Closure
For more information, visit the OBF home page or contact Drew Greco.
PTSC: Packet Technologies and Systems Committee
- Issue: 0166
- Title: Update ATIS-1000094, “Calling Name and Rich Call Data Handling Procedures (SHAKEN)” to align with IETF/STIR
- Statement: The current v001 version of ATIS-1000094 was published back in 4/15/2021. Since then, the IETF/STIR standards on which it is based have evolved, creating a gap between ATIS and IETF in the mechanisms to support rich call data. For example, ATIS-1000094 does not support the following IETF/STIR capabilities related to rich call data:
- draft-ietf-stir-passport-rcd o The "apn" and "icn" keys of the "rcd" claim.
o The JSON pointer mechanism used by the "rcdi" claim to create digests over individual elements within an "rcd" claim.
o 3rd-party signing of rcd PASSporT (including the "iss" claim).
- RFC 9118 -- Enhanced JWT Claim Constraints o Extends the JWT Claim Constraints defined in RFC 8226 to enable the PASSporT credentials to specify claims that must not be included in the PASSporT.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the PTSC home page or contact Anna Karditzas.
TMOC: Telecom Management and Operations Committee
- Issue: 0236
- Title: Revision of ATIS-0300220.2018, Representation of the Communications Industry Manufactures, Suppliers, and Related Service Companies for Information Exchange
- Statement: The contact information and normative references within ATIS-0300220.2018, Representation of the Communications Industry Manufactures, Suppliers, and Related Service Companies for Information Exchange needs to be updated.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0237
- Title: Revision of ATIS-0300091.2018, Structure for Global Serialization of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Network Infrastructure Equipment
- Statement: The contact information and normative references within ATIS-0300091.2018, Structure for Global Serialization of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Network Infrastructure Equipment need to be updated.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the TMOC home page or contact .
WTSC: Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee
- Issue: 0099
- Title: Update of Practical Hints document to Address Alert Special Handling Consistency
- Statement: It has become apparent that there is some inconsistency in the field regarding the use of the alert classes (Imminent Threat and Special Handling values) for some types of special alerts, such as Silver, Blue, and CLEAR alerts, to name a few. While certain events have a clearly defined classification, such as AMBER alerts for children under the age of 18, some do not. Because the examples mentioned here involve a missing person, some are labeled as Special Handling category AMBER, while others default to Imminent Threat, or are sent with Special Handling value Public Safety. While all of three of these classifications are processed in a similar manner by the CMSP, presentation may differ at the device. For example, some devices provide different settings for Imminent Threat versus Public Safety, and a user may choose to leave the default setting of opt-in for Imminent Threat but change the setting to opt-out for Public Safety. If one AO is using Imminent Threat for Blue Alerts and another is using Public Safety, a device with these settings will present the Blue Alerts sent as Imminent Threat alerts, but not the Blue Alerts sent as Public Safety alerts.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the WTSC home page or contact Anna Karditzas.
- New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
- Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
- Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
- Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.
Recently Approved ATIS Standards
No new Standards approved this month.