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Committee Reports
Click on a committee name below to display this month's issues.
AIDC: Automatic Identification & Data Capture Committee
- Issue: 0042
- Title: Proposal to Consider 2D Bar Code Symbol Type ‘QR’ to be used on Package Labels (ref doc. ATIS-0300006)
- Statement: Currently, there are only two types of 2D symbols that are accepted within the industry. Adding a 2D type “QR” for use on product packaging would further advance the use of 2D bar code labels. QR 2D symbols are relatively easy to scan with today’s scanners as well as mobile devices.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the AIDC home page or contact Mignot Asefa.
ESIF: Emergency Services Interconnection Forum
- Issue: 0117
- Title: Deployment Considerations for Location Based Routing Implementations
- Statement: As the resolution of the FCC R&O on Location Based Routing (LBR) has been finalized, some implementations are still ongoing. This document provides a general background and a set of lessons learned that may be helpful to CMRS providers and public safety entities deploying LBR.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0118
- Title: Identify and standardize location for all 988 calls
- Statement: The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is a national network of more than 200 crisis centers that helps thousands of people overcome crisis situations every day. These centers are supported by local and state resources as well as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Geolocation services are not currently enabled for 988, as they are for calls to 911. A caller’s location information is not transmitted with a 988 call for possible dispatch of emergency services. The Lifeline automatically routes calls by area code. For example, when a caller based in Virginia with a callback number of a 703 area code calls 988, the Lifeline will route the call to a Virginia Lifeline call center regardless of the caller’s actual location at the time of the call.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the ESIF home page or contact Drew Greco.
INC: Industry Numbering Committee
- Issue: 0963
- Title: Update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines with invalid COCTYPE and SSC values for Pooled CO Codes
- Statement: CIGRR gave TRA and NANPA an action item to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines to indicate that Pooled CO Codes shall not have an NXD COCTYPE of PLN, SIC, TST, AIN, BLG, BRD, CDA, CTV, ENP, FGB, HVL, N11, ONA, RTG, UFA, or 700 or an SSC of A (IntraLATA).
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300119, Thousands Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines with invalid COCTYPE and SSC values for Pooled CO Codes, with the changes reflected in INC-2023-00095R001.
- Status: Final Closure
- Issue: 0966
- Title: Update language regarding NPAC and NECA notification in Section 12 Abandoned Numbering Resources of the ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines
- Statement: Section 12 Abandoned Numbering Resources states that NANPA shall provide the NPAC, TRA and NECA written notice that the SP has terminated service when the appropriate regulatory authority approves the reclamation of abandoned resources. Since NANPA cannot confirm the SP has terminated service and is acting on the direction of the appropriate regulatory authority, Section 12 should be updated to state that NANPA shall notify NPAC, TRA and NECA that the appropriate regulatory authority has directed NANPA to reclaim the abandoned resources.
- Resolution: INC agreed to update the language regarding NPAC and NECA notification in Section 12 Abandoned Numbering Resources of the ATIS-0300119, Thousands Block (NPA-NXX-XX) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines with the changes reflected in INC-2023-00101R001.
- Status: Final Closure
- Issue: 0967
- Title: Remove Rate Center in Section 10.2 Mass Modification Pooled and Non-Pooled CO Codes in the ATIS-0300119 Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines
- Statement: Section 10.2 Mass Modification Pooled and Non-Pooled Central Office (CO) Codes (NPA-NXX) lists Rate Center as a modification that may change over time, however, Rate Center is not a modification option for a mass modification since it requires an NPAC check and either initial documentation or an MTE.
To avoid confusion, NANPA suggests removing Rate Center from the list of modification in Section 10.2.
- Resolution: INC agreed to remove the Rate Center in Section 10.2 Mass Modification Pooled and Non-Pooled CO Codes in the ATIS-0300119 Thousands Block (NPA-NXX-XX) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines with the changes reflected in INC-2023-00103R001.
- Status: Final Closure
- Issue: 0968
- Title: Updates to ATIS-0300050 Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Administration Guidelines and forms for the combined NANP Administration System (NAS)
- Statement: NANPA has identified the following changes to ATIS-0300050, Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Assignment Guidelines, the CIC Application Form – Part 1, and the Appendix 1: Annual CIC Report to align with the combined NANP Administration System (NAS):
• Update processing times to 7 calendar days
• Update form references to new form names
• Update Appendix 1: Annual CIC Report with minor changes and for consistency with other guideline forms
• Update the CIC Application Form Part 1 to align with other INC forms and streamline information
• Update the CIC Administrator Response/Confirmation Part 3 to align with other INC forms
• Update the Confirmation of CIC In Service Part 4 to align with other INC forms
• Update language associated with Appendix 1: Annual CIC Report to align with language in the p-ANI Guidelines
- Resolution: INC agreed to update ATIS-0300050, Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Assignment Guidelines, the Appendix 1: Annual CIC Report, the CIC Application Form – Part 1, the CIC Administrator Response/Confirmation – Part 3 and the Confirmation of CIC In Service – Part 4 to align with other INC Guidelines and changes in the combined NANP Administration System (NAS) as reflected in INC-2024-00007R000, INC-2024-00008R000, INC-2024-00009R000, INC-2024-00010R000, and INC-2024-00011R000.
- Status: Final Closure
For more information, visit the INC home page or contact .
OBF: Ordering and Billing Forum
- Issue: 3666
- Title: Modify the NLSP and OLSP Valid values
- Statement: History: When the WICIS specifications were first agreed to the goal was for every network service provider to eventually have their resellers (MVNOs) obtain a valid OCN to be used in the NLSP and OLSP fields. For those MVNOs who were not able to obtain a valid OCN it was agreed that a generic code of ZZZZ could be used. Today: Almost no wireless carrier has required their MVNOs to obtain an OCN and thus utilize the generic code of ZZZZ to populate the NLSP field on a port in request and the OLSP field on a port out response. Due to some service provider system limitations and the inability for resellers/MVNOs to obtain more than one OCN per company category, the ability to use ZZZZ for multiple MVNOs doesn’t always work. Additionally, the use of a single generic code doesn’t allow for the segregation of port requests across different MVNOs within a single network provider.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the OBF home page or contact Drew Greco.
SNAC: SMS/800 Number Administration Committee
- Issue: 3442
- Title: Text Eanablement Requests For XX99 Numbers
- Statement: Text enablement requests are being received without the company name identified. Instead, the Company Name is being submitted as the Service Registrar and no other information is being provided. RespOrgs need to confirm that the requesting party is the End User Subscriber in the Toll-Free Number Database, which means this information should be required. In addition, if a text enablement request on an XX99 number is rejected, the process for over-riding the rejection should be handled the same as a RespOrg change request on toll-free number with a RespOrg ID = XX99.
- Resolution: The process for toll-free text enablement of XX99 numbers was updated to match the process for a RespOrg change request on a toll-free number with a RespOrg ID = XX99. The RespOrg will receive an email message and phone call when there is a change in status for that toll-free number.
An Issue regarding TSS LOAs is being worked separately in Issue 3443.
- Status: Final Closure
For more information, visit the SNAC home page or contact .
STEP: Sustainability in Telecom: Energy and Protection Committee
- Issue: 0211
- Title: Revisions to ATIS-0600329.2014(R2019), Network Equipment - Earthquake Resistance, to Incorporate Information from ATIS-0600063, Guidelines for Environmental Testing and Evaluation of Communication Equipment
- Statement: ATIS-0600329.2014(R2019), Network Equipment - Earthquake Resistance currently only tests for equipment inside of buildings; with more equipment on poles and Outside Plants (OSPs), this document would benefit from incorporating equipment outside of buildings.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0212
- Title: Updating Existing Wireless (Radio Base Station) Equipment Energy Efficiency Standard
- Statement: The existing STEP Issue 0147, ATIS-0600015.09.2020 “Wireless (Radio Base Station) Equipment Energy Efficiency Standard, Release 3” is a standalone standard covering both the static and dynamic measurement method for radio base stations up to 4G technology. For the sake of better use of the standard and being harmonized with ongoing activities at ETSI EE it is suggested to split this standard into two different standards, one covering only static measurement method and another one covering only dynamic measurement method. After the separation, each standard needs to be updated to cover 5G technology as well.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the STEP home page or contact Mignot Asefa.
WTSC: Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee
- Issue: 0103
- Title: Study on D2D / Sidelink Support for WEA in disaster situations
- Statement: The FCC and PSHSB have recently expressed interest (ref. Public Notice, DA 23-995) in complementary technologies to help fill in wireless coverage gaps and promote continuity of Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) during disasters, in particular delivering a WEA to a mobile device when the device is not connected to a functioning cell tower. The FCC recognizes that such technology may include “communication technologies designed to enable device-to-device (D2D) communication.” For example, satellite coverage may not always be available, even by devices with satellite capability (e.g. when a device is indoors), making alternative solutions a potentially useful complement. The FCC’s interest in this area provides an opportunity for the wireless industry to study Sidelink as a potential solution for extended “last-mile” connectivity using any available backhaul connectivity that can deliver the WEA alert.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
- Issue: 0104
- Title: IMS Location Conveyance to NG9-1-1 Emergency Services Networks and Legacy Gateway Elements
- Statement: Transitional and end-state Emergency Services networks require the use of different location qualifiers in the signaling between varying generations of the functional elements involved. To improve consistency in handling, work is required to standardize end-state location conveyance along with the mappings needed by gateway elements when exchanging location information between legacy and NG9-1-1 networks.
- Resolution:
- Status: New Issue
For more information, visit the WTSC home page or contact Anna Karditzas.
- New Issue: Business, operational, or technical needs that a committee has reached consensus to address.
- Issue in Initial Closure: Issues for which a committee has reached consensus on a proposed resolution. The industry has a 21 calendar day period to review and comment on the consensus resolution developed by the committee. The committee's consensus resolution concludes its work on an issue unless new or substantive information is brought forth. During the 21 day review period, comments on a consensus resolution may be provided to the committee contact and committee leaders.
- Issue in Initial Pending: Issues previously in Initial Closure for which new and substantive information impacting the consensus resolution has been received. An issue may also be in Initial Pending if output that may impact the consensus resolution is expected from another industry group, regulatory body or similar organization.
- Issue in Final Closure: Issues for which work is completed and the resolution accepted by the industry.
Recently Approved ATIS Standards
- Document Number: ATIS-0300119
- Title: Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0404110-0044
- Title: Unified Ordering Model - Access Service Request (UOM-ASR) Volume I
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0410002-0044
- Title: Unified Ordering Model (UOM) Volume II – Analysis - For Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG)
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0410003-0044
- Title: Unified Ordering Model (UOM) - Volume III – Design - For Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG)
- Type: Revision
- View Here
- Document Number: ATIS-0404000-0069-ATIS-0404028-0069
- Title: Access Service Request (ASR) Guidelines Version 69
- Type: Revision
- View Here