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ATIS’ Next G Alliance Maps the 6G Opportunities Inherent in JCAS/ICAS

ATIS’ Next G Alliance Maps the 6G Opportunities Inherent in JCAS/ICAS

WASHINGTON, DC — ATIS’ Next G Alliance (NGA) today announced publication of Channel Measurements and Modeling for Joint/Integrated Communication and Sensing, as well as 7-24 GHz Communication, a study of 6G communication channels and joint communication and sensing (JCAS)/integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) channel models. Midbands, mmWave, and sub-THz spectrum bands are also covered in the report.

JCAS/ISAC is one of the key new features for 6G where existing telecommunication infrastructure is also used for RF sensing without requiring an active transmission from targets to be sensed. JCAS/ISAC introduces new use cases and unleashes broad possibilities for automated vehicles, healthcare, entertainment, smart industry and smart cities as well as novel uses of spectrum and more — all of which are highlighted in this report. Specific to joint communication and sensing modeling, based on extensive measurements performed by NGA members, the report includes multiple sensing target models and an indoor background clutter model for monostatic sensing.

“Advancing these exciting use cases will depend on updated channel models for the relevant spectrum bands under consideration for future use,” said Next G Alliance Managing Director David Young. “This comprehensive study developed experimental data and analysis for 6G bands. These measurements and modeling are intended to provide a better empirical basis for 3GPP development of both sensing and communication propagation channels as part of their ongoing studies in Rel-19, as this will be the foundation upon which 6G will be built.”

“Deployment of 6G in the new mid-band spectrum between 7 and 24 GHz, along with JCAS/ISAC across all bands, is expected to play a crucial role in 6G systems,” said Amitava Ghosh (Nokia) Chair of the NGA National Roadmap Working Group. “This Phase-1 report on the study of communication channel models in midbands and JCAS/ISAC channel models in FR2 represents a significant achievement and camaraderie by NGA member companies who contributed to this report. It will contribute to both communication and JCAS/ISAC channel models in major standardization bodies and worldwide forums and set the direction for 6G research.”

Access Channel Measurements and Modeling for Joint/Integrated Communication and Sensing, as well as 7-24 GHz Communication in the Next G Alliance Library and the many other Next G Alliance resources charting the course to North American 6G leadership.


Marcella Wolfe, Manager – Public Relations and Marketing Communications, ATIS