The scope of this white paper is to understand, define, and advance North American requirements for 5G. It describes use cases which show, from a North American perspective, possible scenarios for 5G networks. These use cases include both commonly recognized baseline requirements and also more disruptive service examples representing a more challenging conception of aspects of 5G. The scope of the use cases is not limited to just the narrowly defined mobile network. Many of these cases include interactions with other elements, including some not normally standardized, such as content provider applications/ networks, operational systems within a carrier network and traffic scheduling and steering algorithms. Based on the documented use cases, the white paper identifies unique characteristics of the North American network and regulatory requirements. Although the focus is on North American requirements, these are considered in a global context to leverage synergies wherever possible, and to identify new requirements only where necessary.

5G Reimagined: A North American Perspective
November 2015