

Brian Daly, AT&T

Amy Hindman, Verizon Wireless

Jose Jimenez, Cox

Calling Party Anti-Spoofing

In April 2016, the CPAS Landscape Team published the Calling Party Spoofing Mechanisms and Mitigation Techniques white paper. The document informs policymakers and others about the challenges posed by Caller ID spoofing and related robocalling and provides a comprehensive overview of the industry work being conducted to address this challenge. This analysis concludes that a layered approach, similar to that used in cybersecurity efforts, provides the flexibility to respond to these evolving threats, and that mandating a single “solution” to Caller ID spoofing would be counterproductive. A wide range of mitigation techniques is proposed as the white paper specifically states that with a single mandated solution fraudulent callers would simply find other ways to exploit existing or future infrastructure.